Professor Philippe Ducor studied medicine and law at the Universities of Geneva and Stanford (California), earning a doctoral degree and a professional certification in both disciplines (FMH specialist in internal medicine, Geneva bar).
Philippe started his career practicing medicine in hospital and outpatient settings before turning to law, a profession he practices today as a registered attorney and a professor at the University of Geneva. He also serves as a part-time judge at the Swiss federal patent court.
After working as a partner at a top business law firm in Geneva, Philippe decided to focus on his areas of expertise in which he has extensive experience: health law, therapeutic products law and technology law.
Philippe Ducor provides services to clients involved in industries where his areas of expertise are relevant, as well as to law firms seeking his expert assistance in specific cases.
Philippe Ducor practices in complete independance. Depending on the nature of the case, he arranges for the collaboration of known and trusted colleague lawyers.
On the academic level, Philippe Ducor teaches health law and intellectual property law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva. His work was published in leading journals such as Science, Nature, European Intellectual Property Review (EIPR), the Revue Suisse de Droit des Affaires and the Revue de Droit Suisse.
Philippe Ducor loves people. Even though he quit practicing medicine many years ago, he is still attached to the human values of this profession. This is why he strives to develop a personal relationship with his clients.
Philippe Ducor likes to play. From the outside (and sometimes from the inside!), legal reasoning may appear daunting. However, it contains hidden intellectual gems which are similar to a game. This is why Philippe Ducor loves his profession.
Philippe Ducor appreciates justice. Fighting for a just cause provides energy which is apparent to everyone, including the judge. This is why Philippe Ducor clearly informs his clients about their chances of success.